Perhaps the reason is I need a clear mind and clear thinking. This week, my mind has been anything but clear. When preparing to leave one location for another, it takes a lot of time and energy… even more now that I’m older.
I have spent hours deciding what to bring with me. First, The Studio, what projects will I work on this summer. What tools should I take along and what supplies will I need? Will I work in stained glass? If so, what glass should I bring along, should I take my favorite tools or will I have the right tools. Then, will I sew? Probably. What fabric, thread and patterns should I take? And oh God, the buttons, each one special and a one of a kind! Packing up my computer, journals and pictures is easy; I just take all of them! But oh no! What about the books and magazines. I have hundreds, all filled with ideas and inspiration. How can I leave them?
Now, there are the personal items . . . Lets begin in the closet. My first thought, I’ll just take clothes appropriate for the Minnesota climate; jeans, sweatshirts, long sleeved shirts, maybe some capris for warmer weather. Colors, oh defiantly not the white gecko jacket. But maybe the Blue Jean jacket, the brown shirts, my black pants and some other cool fall colors. I'll throw in a couple bright yellows and greens for the sunny days. I'm happy I've hauled all of it out to the motor home and I'm satisfied it all fits in the small closet. My jewelry was easy; I just take all of it. Now, everything all packed but I feel compelled to take one last look around.
Back upstairs to the closet. . . I scan quickly over everything and then I see them. Ah my favorite skirts how I can leave without them. But Oh No, I guess I'll just have to take a few more shirts. Oh and yes, just a few more pairs of shoes. Back downstairs, my arms full of more clothing and I have to cram everything in the closet and every nook and cranny I can find.
Mark, my partner suggests. I should just buy two of everything. Then I don't have to think about it. What do men know? I can purchase two of the exact pair of jeans, same
We’re on the road again, and it's our third day. I've been thinking about all the plans I have for my garden, I'd like to redecorate the living room. I can't wait to see family and friends. The new projects to begin and the old ones to finish. I've totally forgotten what I didn't bring and what I did bring. . . Yeah, it's great to be a gypsy!
~ Kate