September 20, 2010

Help! Does anyone have any great pictures of "The Creative Connection Event"

I am so excited to bring you highlights from “The Creative Connection Event”.  But, as most of you know I live in two different states.  And yes, you guessed it my camera happens to be in the other state.  All summer long I have relied on my iphone photo application.  But after the event I now know how important it is to have GOOD photographs.  And yes again, you guessed it, my photos suck!  So I am putting out a call for help.  Any of you out there that attended the event would like to share your photos with our readers here at Creative Chicks Café I would SOOOOOOOOOOOO appreciate it.  You can email them to me at 

Please leave a link to your website so I can give you full credit for the pics.  Thanks -Kate

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